So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Are You Malaysian??

*forwarded mail*

There were several cases of foreigners caught with fake Malaysian passports and MyKads recently. No matter how hard the impostors try, there are some things only a true Malaysian will know. Complete this quiz and check your answers below...

1. What do Malaysians usually do while waiting for traffic lights to turn green?
A) Dig nose
B) Rev engine
C) Send SMS
D) Drive through

2. What is Pew Jeok?
A) A French car
B) A Nyonya dish
C) A Hakka exclamation
D) Damaged church bench in Hokkien

3. Malaysia is now officially the world's No 1 producer of
A) Palm oil
B) Pirated software
C) Rubber gloves & condoms
D) Room air-conditioners

4. How do Malaysians know their tyre pressure is low?
A) When they pump their tyres
B) When the steering wheel gets heavy
C) When they kick the tyres
D) When overtaking motorists point, shout & honk

5. Which pair is the odd one out?
A) Rojak man & cendol man
B) VCD peddlers & foodcourts
C) MSC & broadband
D) Football & betting

6. Taman Segar in Cheras is named after?
A) Datuk Segar Kumaran
B) Segaran Sinarajoo
C) Sega Games
D) Fresh air & sunshine

7. Which is cheapest?
A) KL to KLIA by taxi
B) KL to Phuket by air
C) KL to Putrajaya by taxi
D) KL to Singapore by train

8. Where is Kampung New Zealand?
A) Penang
B) Pahang
C) Auckland
D) Selangor

9. What is LickMyKoTeh?
A) A vulgar word
B) A Chinese pop group
C) Mamak shouting Horlicks, Milo, Kopi & Teh
D) A new brand of Tongkat Ali tea

10. Which is our most successful population control initiative?
A) Introducing express buses
B) Promoting simultaneous consumption of durian & stout
C) Abolishing road tax for smaller motorcycles
D) Allowing condom print ads

Turn pc screen upside down for answers >


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