So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

War of the Worlds

Finally, the famous "War of the Worlds". Can't remember much of it's story, except some mild memories of squid looking monsters terrorizing streets of some city ... I think I've watched the cartoon version of it when I was a kid.

Nevermind that. I watched the movie version yesterday in Megascreen™ and awesome sound effects. So, what do I think of it? Because it's a Steven Spielberg movie, I would say the movie is a flop. I had put up a high expectation of it ... and was literally filled with disappointment when the movie ended. As simple as that.

Details (spoiler alert):

As you all may have already known, this movie is all about some aliens from Mars trying to take over our planet. Story focuses on the adventure of a crane operator (Tom Cruise) and his kids surviving through the entire 'invasion' - which was pre-planned millions of years ago by the aliens.

How did they do it? By burying their 3 legged spaceships (called "tripods") underground before the dawn of civilization ... and reactivate it back to obliterate the whole world when Tom Cruise was about to have a bad time with his teenage son in the 21st century. Sounds like an awesome plot, isn't it? Well, I don't think so.

I was thinking, if they're planning for an invasion, or extermination of mankind, wouldn't it be more easier for them aliens to annihilate the human race while we're still dwelling in caves thousands of years ago ? But no. Instead, they'll wait till we have all the gadgets to trash them... and took the trouble to jam our electronics before rising up from the ground to wreak all havoc upon mankind. That's smart...

Some part of the movie reminded of "Independence Day" - you know, the aliens appearing out of nowhere in America thrilling everyone. Just when they (Americans) were gaping by the prowess of their awesomeness, then wham... the aliens started to mow everyone down with their plasma/sonic/whatever weapons. I have to admit, that part of the movie was kinda fun to watch. It gives me the feeling that the world's gonna end... though it's only occurring at some ghetto neighborhood somewhere around America (no high rise building, no nothing).

Come think of it, why do the aliens like to cause troubles only in America? (and oversized mutated monsters in Tokyo) ? Why wouldn't that happen in somewhere around places like South Auckland... or perhaps, K-Rd in the city? Sheesh.

And when Tom Cruise discovered that he's in deep hitch, he quickly bailed his neighborhood to seek refuge at somewhere safer - his ex mother-in-law's house in Boston. (he probably thinks that his mother-in-law is nastier than the aliens). Talking about aliens, I've noticed that the word "alien" was not being mentioned even once in this movie ... as if everyone's trying hard not to say the magic word. Like when Tom's teenage son actually asked him where did those "things" come from? He can only answer him as they're something from "somewhere"... to which, his unintelligent son thought he meant Europe.

I was thinking, why can't he just say - "THOSE ARE ALIENS FROM THE OUTER SPACE YOU DOLT!!!!”

So, the tripods would go around toasting everyone and picking up housewives with it's tentacles and imprison them for snacks later. Not much battle scenes, but a lot of scenes of those tripods going around causing destruction. Unlike "Independence Day", there isn't a feel of unity at all here, nor there was any ridiculous heroic tales to tell about. Oh, except the scene where Tom Cruise actually stuff up a couple grenades into the puckering sphincter of the tripod... causing it to puke and then explode with diarrhea before dying off.

Just when I started to wonder if the movie has enough time to get to a good ending ... suddenly, all the tripods started to move awkwardly and die off... Some, who still stood, would suddenly lose its shield and eventually end up getting shot by human soldiers. That's when the credit rolled out telling the audience that the aliens had died off due to their lack of immune against the microorganism existed in our atmosphere ... and the invasion failed. We won.

I was like "WHAT THE!? THE ALIENS ACTUALLY GOT AIDS AND LOSE THE BATTLE??” As odd as it may have already sound, the intelligent aliens that's already capable of building spaceships millions of years ago, doesn't seem to be able to figure out that their immune is weak against our Earth's atmosphere ... That's kinda hard to swallow isn't it ? It's a choking hazard.

This movie contains a lot of major flaws. And that's the problem with it. No doubt that it has plenty of CG effects and some good drama as well, but... it's the contradicting plot that actually spoilt it. I'd say don't waste the money, get a pDVD (Pirated DVD) or download it off the net.


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