So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Sunday


How have you guys been? Hope everyone's having a good holiday.

My tentative TO DO list (mostly with Sarah - don't get jealous yea :P) during the holidays:

  1. STUDY STUDY STUDY... I've been really slack and I seriously need to catch up on my readings and studies!
  2. Watch cool movies (300, Pan’s labyrinth, Ghost rider, Meet the Robinsons)
  3. Leech a whole lot of songs off BitTorrent as I think Sarahs getting really, really sick with me blasting songs from Il Divo on my car stereo
  4. Yum Char - when's the last time I set my greedy hands on the Su Mai?
  5. Embarrass myself with my bowling and pool skills
  6. KARAOKE with Sarah - uhhmmm I'll think I'll think about it as I don't wanna embarrass her my singing sucks
  7. Planning a road trip with Sarah - apparently she's so sick of Auckland lol
  8. Sticker pics with Sarah and Co.
  9. Indulge myself with Movenpick ice-creams
  10. Spoil myself with all-you-can-eat steamboat for $16.80.

#10 has been formally accomplished today :) although there were some "side-effects" on poor Sarah after dinner, which i think I won't go into :P

Be safe, be good and stay out of trouble! Have an awesome holidays y'all!


Blogger pastbunny said...

you are plagarise my work!!! im gonna sue u for infringement of COPYRIGHTS!!!>.<...

but i have fun in steamboat, even tho there was sum unpleasant effect afta wards..T-T..

4/09/2007 12:26:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehe....looks funny

9/16/2007 04:20:00 am  

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