So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Life, life and living

Relationships have morphed into a whole different dimension. Suddenly, you find that not everyone is your friend anymore, and even among your friends, you have to tread oh-so-carefully in order to keep them happy. Somehow, there is an element of childishness in all this. What happened to friendships which were unconditional, which were pure? Probably the cynicism of growing up has taken over every dimension of people's lives, even friendships...


Blogger pinkrollingstone said...

Yeah. I try to slip away from people who makes me unhappy. I don't find meaning in catering for someone who doesn't appreciate, respect or value me. Kinda more like an exploiter and maybe a white elephant than a friend to me... Especially if I have to keep them happy instead being me, it is so energy draining and what's the point?

I believe true friends are hard to comeby, but, they only appear by you being yourself and attracting people who share the same values. (of course after moving away from countless people who don't really care with as little conflict as possible)

and life's too short and precious! I'd want it to be most meaningful, truelest and fullest as I can make it be :)

anyway. lol. Just had to spill my thoughts on ur entry. hope it wasnt illogical in anyway :P and yay! u've finally updated your blog! :D what lovely entries of you and Sarah~* haha. esp the one with you in her monkey jumper! x) hm *wondering thoughts*


Have a Happy Holiday~* :DDDD

4/17/2007 01:01:00 pm  
Blogger Ying Swan said...

I found ya! Finally.. didn't even know you blog! hahaha..

SMILE!! I'm still your friend! hehehe..


4/19/2007 12:39:00 am  
Blogger John said...

Swan: bonjour swannie swan swan!! HEHE good to hear from you again, merci beaucoup for dropping by... i’m all grinning already :D

Ada: g’day ada! haha thanks for the wonderful comment, very inspiring indeed :) we cant possibly make everyone happy can we? ;) so do what that makes YOU happy! you may be lucky enough to make 99.9% of people happy, but there will always be one, if for nothing else but spite, that will find fault in what we do O.o Just my 2¢

4/19/2007 02:21:00 am  

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