So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


* Long post, go make yourself a cup of cofee first

So... on Monday Sarah wanted to watch 300 (the movie) but for some weird reason or another the phone operator mucked up our phone-to-order tickets.

The result = one fuming Sarah! :P

Thought I’d surprise her by driving to her place to pick her up for the movies, but then again halfway through on Blockhouse Bay Rd she called and told me she’s already caught a bus to Easy Way on Dominion Rd. Haha should’ve seen the look on her face the moment she was further infuriated when she learnt of my antics!

But fear not..! Here’s something I’ve brought along with me to *bribe* her & make her feel happy!

Piggy fitting snugly inside the cell phone holder

Dinner @ KFC (note her still annoyed expression lol)

One happy smiling Sarah after finally getting the tickets!

Milk tea in the movies... yummy!

My precioussss!

Ah this is about the only movie I've wanted to watch for quite some time, partially due to loving Frank Miller's work, liking Sin City a lot and having endless people telling me how great it is.

Frank Miller's 300

" Based on Frank Miller's graphic novel, "300" concerns the 480 B.C. Battle of Thermopylae, where the King of Sparta led his army against the advancing Persians; the battle is said to have inspired all of Greece to band together against the Persians, and helped usher in the world's first democracy "

Gerard Butler was really good as King Leonides, the fury in his experience, the power in his voice and the violence in his movement.

He's da man!

Gerard Butler

The whole movie was colour-toned, slightly desaturated and very grainy (like shot with available light and high ISO). This gave it a very interesting and gritty feel, the camera work was also very dramatic and artistic, many of the scenes from the movie would make beautiful still shots.

The fight scenes were frenetic and breathtaking, with a beautiful mix of CGI and live action, virtually flawlessly blended.

This job sucks...

I have to say it's a visual treat, powerful and strong.

Lena Headey was gorgeous, strong yet susceptible as the Queen of the Spartans.

I definitely recommend watching this movie - I give it a 9/10

... and then on Tuesday, we decided to head to Newmarket for bowling and pool after a brief session at the central city library.

Here's some candid shot from Sarah on "How to Play Pool like a Pro"

...and a video tutorial, courtesy of Ms. Sarah


Caught up with a bunch of mates from uni. Pity its just the five of us though but its all good! Had plenty of fun catching up and laughing away:)

We had dinner at Kam Nang Station 2 (the spinoff from the highly successful Kam Nang Station cnr Queen St and Grays Ave). Didn't realised it actually existed haha...

Hurry up...! I can't keep holding this smile any longer...

We went bowling and pool at Newmarket (again!) after that. Haha silly me on a spur of excitement of hitting the spare and then losing my balance while holding on a 14-pound ball, and fell like a humpty dumpy! Got a really, really sore knee and thighs courtesy of the sideways fall! (and it still hurts till this day >.<)

Oh well at least it was fun while it lasted!

Hows YOUR holidays been? :)


Blogger pastbunny said...

i was angry with u cos u sooooooo LOUSY...(bold and underline dat)=P

ehhh..u think u can bribe me all the time, is it!?im not a lil kid u noe!!!o.O

SOME ONE CAN NOT SMELLLL!!! called KANG NAM station NOT KANGNANG station...=P..dumbo...

P/S:i DO NOT like da video dat u upload..T-T..soobbssss...

4/12/2007 11:49:00 pm  
Blogger pastbunny said...

its SPELLLL..not Smell..(ooppss..TYPO)..blush..hehehe

4/12/2007 11:50:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like you had fun. I was busy getting drunk on Wed (but did not succeed) so couldn't join ya people.

4/14/2007 03:49:00 pm  
Blogger John said...

Sarah: ROTFL *smell*

KC: Haha you'd better not 'fly our aeroplane' the next time we ask you out! Alternatively we can make some arrangement for alcohol to be brought along with us...

4/14/2007 08:09:00 pm  

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