So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Windows Live Messenger

One of my friends who now work at Microsoft sent me an invite to try the new Windows Live Messenger Beta (the new version of MSN Messenger):


We'd like you to be among the first to try the beta version of Windows LiveTM Messenger.

If you use MSN® Messenger now, we think you're really going to enjoy Windows Live Messenger. It's as fun and reliable as the Messenger you already know, and you won't lose your contact list or any other personal information when you try this new version. Check it out to experience new ways to connect to your friends via text, voice, video, and more.

And in case you were wondering about the name change, Windows Live Messenger is part of a new family of services from Microsoft® that includes Windows Live Mail (now a simpler, safer, faster mail), and (a new personalized homepage experience), to name just a few.

The Windows Live Messenger team

I installed the new software and it looks super slick!

Here's a screenshot (not mine of course =P)

I have only used it for a couple of months but I already found a great new feature: offline messaging. This feature allows me to send a message to a contact when they're offline and then Windows Live Messenger will hold the message and automatically deliver it for me the next time the contact signs in! How cool is that?

So as I said before, if you want an invite to use it when I get some invites to give: leave a comment or send me an Email. I'll be happy to share with all of you.